What's on my bookshelf?

I have a bunch of books that are in my queue of books to read!

1.  ACRYLIC REVOLUTION:  I had been wanting to read this one but never picked up a copy.  When I was at the library today, this book was in the sale shelf.  It's pretty dinged up, but still readable (and practically free).

2. Journal It!: Perspectives in Creative Journaling:  I have read a lot of reviews on various blogs about this book, so I ordered a copy for myself while I was Christmas shopping.  It's very inspirational and the artwork is very interesting.  It's a good one!

3. Lenore Tawney: Signs on the Wind: Postcard Collages Exactly what the title says it is.. collages on postcards.  Two things that I love... collages and postcards.  My husband bought this one for me for Christmas.  Thanks, Andrew!

4. Learning by Heart: Teachings to Free the Creative Spirit  I learned about this book (and I think the Lenore Tawney one) from Kelly Kilmer's blog.  I got this from a relative for Christmas!  I can't wait to read it.

5. Fingerprint: The Art of Using Hand-Made Elements in Graphic Design This is another discarded book from the library that I picked up today.  There's a lot of interesting typography, graphic design, illustrations and drawings in this book.

6. We're Birds of a Feather--- vintage kids inspirational book.  This was on the shelf next to the other ones at the library, so I grabbed it to cut up for my art journal.

From the Learning by Heart book.

From Learning by Heart

Lenore Tawney's postcard collages

charming illustrations ready to be cut out and glued in my journal

From the Acrylic Revolution book

From the Fingerprint book

If those books aren't enough to inspire you, be sure to check out the new FEATURING magazine!  I have two articles in the magazine.. one about balancing motherhood and artmaking and the other about the Featured Blogger: Ihanna.  There is some amazing artwork in the magazine and the quality of the pages are scrumptious.  The magazine ships from the Netherlands and good news-- the shipping costs have been lowered for international shipping. 

** I have not been paid to promote any of these publications.  I am an Amazon affiliate, which means if you click on the links of the books and end up buying anything I get a *small* percentage to use as Amazon store credit.. which means I can buy more books and tell you about them!  **


Unknown said...

Love art books, never enough time to read and make art though

Seth said...

Thanks so much for this list of books to explore. And a big congratulations on being part of Featuring. It is an amazing publication!

Unknown said...

Oh the post card one looks so much fun may have to add this to my list. Have fun creating hun Happy New Year Dxx