Well summer is winding down, but Julie Kirk's
Height of Summer is still going strong. Write about your story of height and look at the
Pinterest board she has curated.
Here is my story.
I am 6'0" tall. My parents are both around my height, but my two brothers are 6'7" and 6'6". As a girl, it was hard to be that tall. I always felt like I stood out. Pants are really hard to find and I know they will only fit if they are marked "tall"... only a small selection of pants in stores are tall. Yes, I played volleyball in high school (for one year). No, I didn't make the basketball team. See, you have to not only be tall, but also fairly coordinated. Don't even get me started on shoes. Do you know how many stores actually carry a size 12 shoe? There are 3 stores near me. 1. A high quality shoe store where shoes are about $150-250 for a typical shoe. Um I'm a teacher. I can't afford to drop $200 for a shoe. 2. Payless shoes (if you don't know what those are, they are trendy, but generally super cheap and uncomfortable). Again, I'm a teacher and I stand on my feet all day. 3. A shoe store that is about a 45 minutes drive from my house. If I need shoes, typically I will go out to the shoe store that is 45 minutes away once or twice a year and buy a pair or two of shoes. I'll wear the same two pairs of shoes for a couple years. If I'm in a pinch I'll go out and buy a guy's shoe. Most of the time my pants cover most of the shoe anyway. If my feet had been slightly smaller (like a size 11) I could find shoes at any store. Yes, it's annoying and I'm bitter about it. And I will be bitter about it until I can find affordable shoes easily.
I will ALWAYS notice if there is a woman in the room that is the same height as me or taller.
My husband is about 5'11". I have never dated anyone shorter. Not that I was opposed to it, just that it is basically how it happened. Women who are tall usually end up with guys of a similar height.
I love this picture taken about 2 years ago. This is our backyard garden. Look how tall the sunflowers grew! |
Here is me two years ago also.. I love this picture. Big chairs are fun. |
When people see Daria they often say, "She's tall for her age, isn't she?" Actually no. It's just me. I'm tall. Daria has actually been in the lower percentile for height and weight her whole life. She was in the 19% for height and weight for the longest time. She is about average now. I think she will probably grow to be tall, but probably around 5'9"? Both Andrew's mom and sister are shorter than me.. I think about 5'5"? I think my tall genes will average out with their genes.
Another big chair on the Union Terrace in Madison. |
When I was kid, giraffes were my favorite animal. I made a clay giraffe in art class which I was so proud of.
So, how about you? How has your height shaped your life?