Good things are happening! Sketches and new Etsy Shop!

Good things are happening all around!  Spring is here.

I've been sketching in my flippy-floppy book. I'm feeling really excited by this format.

We saw the Hunger Games this past weekend.  It was our first trip to the movie theater in about 3 years!  That's what having a baby will do.  I loved the movie.  I also loved the book.

The Featuring Magazine now has a Facebook page and an image of the front cover has been posted.  Go over to Facebook to "Like" the page and get updates.

And.. I set up my own ETSY shop.  Ta Da!  That was one thing that I had on my to-do list over Spring Break.  I wanted to take baby steps to set up a shop.  One, I of course, wanted to sell some artwork and maybe get prints and greeting cards made up.  But also, I have a huge collection of vintage postcards which I haven't used in the past 15 years I've had them.  I use one here or there, but they are just sitting in a box in my house, so I may as well move some of them. If some sells, great, I will buy more art supplies, but it's not the end of the world if it doesn't.  It's nice that it's so cheap to list things and I like how the listings stay up for 4 months.   Since I put the postcards up last week I've already had two sales.  Yay!  And I realized I needed to charge more for shipping.  oops!  It's a learning process I guess.  Here are some of the items in my shop and slowly I'm going to add more postcards and other stuff.  I promise I won't spam the blog with Etsy advertising.   So, add me to your circle if you wish.  I'm trying to figure out the whole Etsy thing.. it's a whole other community there.  And every time I go on there to search for shops and do some research I end up wanting to buy lots more stuff!


Unknown said...

congrats on your new Esty shop good luck. I think you will have no trouble at all looking at your stuff ;0)Like the B&W images to ;0)

Love Dawn xx

Anonymous said...

I don't know how you do all this, especially with a little one...good for you to get your shop set up and filled. I will definitely checkout Featurings facebook and you shop. xox

kat said...

Good for you Marcia!! I'd like to do this too...seems complicated but like you say little baby steps at a time and I might get there too.

Jennifer {Studio JRU} said...

Congratulations on the new Etsy shop! It looks fantastic. Love the sketches from your flippy-floppy book! :)

carol l mckenna said...

Brava ~ new etsy shop and great sketches ~ fun ~thanks, namaste, ^_^

Victoria said...

So very the gorgeous dog..and congrats on everything..wonderful! Yay!

Joni Nickrent said...

Congrats on all of your new adventures! Love your flippy floppy sketchbook! Fun stuff!

Unknown said...

Congrats on your Etsy shop... love the flippy floppy fun fun. :)

WrightStuff said...

Congratulations on opening your shop!

Love the way the words Flippy Floppy sound (yes, I'm in a strange mood this evening!)

Tracey FK said...

congrats on the etsy shop... sure it will be a success and I love the sketches this week...xx

earthen-magic said...

...hello new friend! ~ chose my own adventure and landed here! ~ thankyoU for this s.s. post! ~ (loved the choose your own adventure ~ arrow tree and pixie residence?! piccy!) ~ blessed be!...

Tammie Lee said...

wonderful to see your sketches
congrats on getting an etsy shop up and going, wishing you great success.

Linda Kunsman said...

love your doodling and sketching in B&W! I'm here from JFFBalzer's site-love seeing what everyone is doing. Good luck with your Etsy shop!