Right now, I am reading...
Journal Fodder 365... Thumbs up!
I have the first one too, and I like this one better. Both are great, but I feel this one is "meatier".. more prompts and techniques. The first one would be great for a beginner journaler and this one has a lot to look at and read. I appreciate how they did not spend a chapter going through a huge supply list, but dove right in to the good stuff.
Picture Perfect, by Jodi Picoult.. Thumbs half way up.

I am a huge huge fan of Jodi Picoult. Love her books! This one is good, but so far I am not as wrapped up in the story as I have been with others of her books. It is interesting and I keep picturing Tom Cruise as the "Alex Winters" character. If you have never read a Jodi Picoult book, read 19 Minutes or The Pact.... A-MA-ZING!
Living Simply, by Joanne Heim.. Thumbs up.

When I first started reading this book, it was like a breath of fresh air. I felt myself relaxing just reading the book. Being more present.. appreciating what you have... focusing on the family structure... I like reading about living more simply. Busy is not always good. Sometimes it is ok to just relax. You don't have to be 100% productive every minute of every day. This book refers a lot to Biblical scriptures and Christianity.
So, what do YOU think? Have you read any of these books? If so, what did you think of them?
What books are you reading right now?
P.S. If it seems like most of my book reviews are positive it is because I don't bother with unsatisfying books. If I start to read it, and I'm not enjoying it, I will just put it aside and not bother with it anymore. I pick up most of my books from thrift stores, paperbackswap.com or the library, so I don't feel bad letting a book go. Once in awhile (if it is a new book and I'm dying to check it out), like the Journal Fodder book, I will flip through it at the book store before I buy it to make sure it something I will actually really like. Otherwise, it goes on my waiting list at the library.