Hello friends!
While I have not shown you any new pictures recently, I have been busy busy busy making artworks and journal pages, plus writing. I finished up an article this week for
Featuring magazine about Julie Elman who has been working on her ongoing
Fear Project. It was super interesting and got me thinking about all of my own fears (escalators, worms & snakes, axe murderers...) I used to love that show Fear Factor (did anyone ever watch that?) and ponder what I would and would not do for money (eat cockroaches? sure, why not! eat a plate of worms? heck no.).
Watercolor Art Journal Page |
I also have been working on an article for Cloth Paper Scissors PAGES magazine. I submitted something to them quite awhile ago and had forgotten all about it. I was stoked to hear from them requesting an article and in-progress pages.
Another thing I was working on these past two weeks were preparing and setting up our student art show at the local mall. I selected 12 artworks to mat and display. Tomorrow is our closing reception. I will show you pictures of it later! The kids were all, of course, thrilled to have their artworks chosen for the show. One is selected to go to the state show and one other artwork received a Sax Award (from the Sax company), so those kids were on cloud nine.
Hmm... what else is new? Last night, my sister-in-law texted me to see if I would go with her to get her ear pierced. We both decided to get our traguses pierced. (Google it!) My husband reminded me that I am in a professional field and face piercings are out.
Now I will leave you with a few photos of art journal pages: